You probably have never heard of how a hunter went deer hunting and everything worked out just the way he thought it would. Hunting a deer isn’t a star aligned thing. In fact, hunters use techniques to lure bucks out during the day. Since big bucks are nocturnal creatures, it becomes challenging to catch them, especially in the daytime.
If you are seeing bucks on your trail cams during night but couldn’t hunt them as they don’t show up during the day. There can be multiple reasons. You might be living in a deer’s habitat core area which is usually 50-60 acres. These bucks often come out late at night or early in morning.
Analyze where the deer is bedding at and what is its preferred food plot using trail cameras. Move some cameras around without spooking it, to get a clear picture.
Although, various food attractants like corn, peanut butter and crushed food bags are used. They do not provide sufficient nutrition and don’t last long. If you are hunting on private land, a sustainable way to get big bucks out during the day is by giving them bedding space and nurturing them on your property.
As per my experience, bucks do come out during day time and the reason is always a natural green forage plot. You might have seen videos of bucks and bulls eating on the side of highways. Green food plots attract big bucks and eventually they come out even during the day.
How to Properly Grow Food Plot for Hunting
To adequately grow food plots, you need indigenous plants that fulfill self nutrition and provide for nutrition needs of game animals all the year. The first step is to correct your land. Plough your field, take soil samples from various random positions and get it tested. Use soil treatment recommendations by relevant testing labs/authorities and use organic and chemical fertilizers to fulfill nutrient supply in soil. Once the soil is ready, it will grow plants that attract bucks naturally during sunny days of winter every year.
More nutrients in soil, better pH levels, adequate lime and nitrogen means better growth, fruit and flower production of food plot. It will make your food plot more attractive than anything else in the woods and will definitely keep bringing does and bucks to your land.
Remember that deer eat 6 pounds or more, natural forage per day. This is a lot of food and you can’t fulfill it with a bag of corn. Pick an area with adequate sunlight, accessible hunting location and spend your money on good value seeds.
One of the most widely used and successful tricks is to fool a buck’s nose by using an attractant scent. Commercially available attractant scents are common and are used exclusively for deer hunting. The most common scent used to captivate a deer is its own urine.
How To Use Deer Urine For Hunting?
Bucks have an incredible sense of smell which is their best survival adaptation. Hunters make the maximum use of this deer’s ability to spot and catch them. Knowing how to use deer urine and the best time to use it is key to successful hunt.
The easiest yet most effective way to use deer urine for hunting is by a dragline. It consists of a sponge attached to one end of a long rope. The sponge is supposed to be dipped into deer urine and the line is dragged along. It is suggested to drag the rope within a larger radius and end it near your tree stand or ground blind. Doing so brings out the bucks easily.
You can also use deer urine scent attractant sprays along the path to your deer stand. The preferred path is from the deer’s food source towards your treestand. Moreover, the most appropriate time to utilize the deer urine is in the pre-rut season.
Attracting Bucks For Hunting – How To Lure Deer Out of Woods Using Urine?
Hunting a buck is an art and for that, you must have the skills to bring them out of their hideouts. To lure deer out of the woods, doe’s urine is used often. This is the quickest way As mentioned earlier, the most common scent used to draw bucks is doe’s urine.
Moreover, this scent is quite helpful in calming a buck and attracting more to your desired place. Whether the deer is a new or old inhabitant of the area, it is most likely to come out of its hiding spots and follow the doe’s urine.
You can find a variety of doe’s urine scents in the market. However, the one that we used to achieve great hunts and recommend is Code Blue Doe Urine Scent and Code Red Doe Estrus Scent. Both of these are available on Although both contain the smell of a doe’s urine but with slight differences in use. Let’s find out more about these.
When To Use Deer Scents?
Deer scents are a common conversation starter amongst hunters. We all love the idea of using these scents to lure the deer. Using the right deer scent during the right conditions and appropriate season, you can easily convince a buck that another deer has travelled into its territory.
Right conditions and appropriate seasons are the time when bucks get attracted to the scent quickly. You can use the attractant scent right before the start of rut season and when the weather isn’t harsh. It will surely bring nearby big bucks within your reach.
Usually, the doe’s urine scent is capable of drawing bucks and does both. However, a buck’s urine smell will only tempt the bucks and not the does.
What Does Deer Urine Smell Like?
This may come as a surprise to most of the hunters, a deer’s urine smell is musky. In other words, it is strong yet sweet and therefore, hard to ignore. The sweetness in the urine is influenced by the tarsal glands present in the hind legs of a deer. These glands are responsible for producing an oily substance that mixes with the deer’s pee and that is where the musky magic happens. Knowing does human pee scare deer is also important.
With time, the deer’s urine starts to smell more pungent because of the bacterial breakdowns. Fawns however have a strong urine odor which is quite noticeable. That said, their mothers rush toward them as they smell it.
How To Collect Deer Urine?
One straightforward way to get your hands on deer excrement is by purchasing it from the market. However, if you wish to collect it yourself from the wood, let us share some tried and tested methods for it. Remember, hunters mostly collect doe’s urine when the animal enters its estrus phase (heat cycle).
Many hunters mark the area where doe urinate continuously during their estrus period and create a slope there. At the end of this slope is a vat where the urine drips and is collected in ample amounts. After the vat is full, the urine is transferred into small baggies and refrigerated to preserve the scent. You can also try shoveling the urine from the ground, putting it in baggies, and then refrigerating it.
How To Attract Whitetail Deer?
Just like other deer species, you can use a doe’s urine scent to lure whitetails. Another way to tempt these game animals is by using deer corns. Whitetails tend to love this food and since they can smell the food source, you can easily draw them towards you by putting lots of deer corn in the desired place. Growing a food plot is another way to plan for the long term on your hunting property.
We have tested some amazing accessories and glassing equipment to spot game animals from far. Best long range hunting rangefinders are quite popular among professional game hunters. Similarly, some accessories like best rangefinder lanyard tether are also explained to enhance seasonal hunting experience.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
The most effective way to use buck urine in woods is by spreading it over the Deer Scrape. Doing so will outsmart most of the deers including whitetails and attract a significant number of bucks as well.
The most effective way to use buck urine in woods is by spreading it over the Deer Scrape. Doing so will outsmart most of the deers including whitetails and attract a significant number of bucks as well.
Yes, deer scents work amazingly on bucks. The attractant scent can also help to determine the living and movement patterns of a buck.
Now that you have understood the most important things about deer scents and how to use them properly during the hunt. Let’s bang some game animals this hunting season. We hope that you get successful with your hunt.
Happy hunting!
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