No wonder, rangefinders are a true blessing for every hunter, and golfer. These gadgets have made measuring distances effortless.
Sometimes it might get stuck on showing distance in meters instead of yards. Sometimes, its properties need to be adjusted so that it can show distance in meters or yards as per hunter’s choice.
If you do quick math, 1 meter equals 1.094 yards so, whatever reading your rangefinder shows, multiply the value by 1.094. For example, if the distance measured by your gear is 129 meters, after multiplying it with 1.094, you will get 141 yards.
This could be a hassle for many users since no one has a calculator in their head to multiply such big figures. You can easily learn how to change rangefinder from meters to yards and avoid manual calculations. However, the processes might vary with different rangefinders.
After testing out the process in a couple of rangefinders, we have compiled a detailed guide for you. Look for your rangefinder’s manufacturing company, understand the process and try it for yourself.

Switching Units In Your Hunting Gear – How To Change Rangefinder From Meters To Yards?
Some advanced rangefinders can measure in numerous units including millimeters, centimeters, meters, inches, feet, and yards. However, the majority of these gears offer only two units i.e., meters, and yards. Users are the most comfortable with the readings in yards hence, find difficulty when the device reads in meters.
This is when you feel the need to learn how to change rangefinder from meters to yards. Worry not, here are the easy ways to do so in some of the top rangefinders.
How To Change Bushnell Rangefinder From Meters To Yards?
Most Bushnell monoculars have the measurement units present in the upper right corner of the LCD. However, in some models, the unit indicator is at the lower right corner of the LCD.
If it shows the selected unit is meters, locate the ‘mode’ button then, press and hold it for 2 seconds on your device. You can find this button below the Bushnell Yardage Pro logo and at the left of the measuring unit.
Following are the easy steps that help you learn how to change rangefinder from meters to yards in different Bushnell models:
Bushnell Hybrid
- These models display distance measurements in Yards as set by default. However, if your device has it in meters and you wish to revert it. Start by powering off the gear.
- Now press and hold the Power/Fire button for nearly 7 seconds until you experience a ‘jolt’ or vibration.
- You will see ‘M’ (meters) blinking on the LCD.
- Keep holding the button until the unit switches to ‘Y’ (yards).
- Once it does, release the button.
Bushnell Tour V4
- Press the Power/Fire button to refresh the device.
- Now again press and hold the Power/Fire button to turn on the device.
- After around 5 to 7 seconds, you will see the display asking you to choose between meters or yards.
- Choose your desired yards unit and release the Power/Fire button.
- The distance will now be measured in Yards.
Bushnell Pro XE
- See the unit indicator on your Pro Xe at the lower right portion of the screen.
- If it says meter, find the Mode button beside the Power/Fire button. Press and hold it.
- You will now see options to choose between meters and yards.
- Select your preference and press the Power/Fire button to confirm.
How To Change Simmons Rangefinder From Meters To Yards?
Changing the measurement units on the Simmons rangefinder is similar to how you switch them in the Bushnell rangefinders. Here are the simple steps:
- Start with the powered-off unit by switching it on.
- Press and hold the ‘mode’ button and look through the monocular.
- Keep holding the mode button for a minimum of 5 seconds.
- As soon as you see the cycle of measurement units, choose your preferred one.
- Confirm your choice by pressing the Power button.
- Once done, release both buttons.
How To Change Callaway Rangefinder From Meters To Yards?
Learning how to change rangefinder from meters to yards with your Callaway couldn’t be simpler. Following are the top ways to do so in different Callaway models:
Callaway 200
- Press the Power button on top of the device.
- This will enable the crosshairs so, point the gear at your target.
- Press the Power button again and you will see the measuring unit options.
- From here, choose your desired one.
Callaway 250
- Turn your rangefinder on.
- Press and hold the Power button for at least 5 seconds.
- Wait till you see the current measuring unit i.e., ‘M’ (meters) on the screen.
- Select ‘Y’ (yards) and release the power button.
How To Fix A Leupold Rangefinder?
If you encounter difficulties in using your Leupold rangefinder, try out the following DIY cleaning and maintenance tips:
- Use a soft brush to clean the lens from dust and debris.
- If there are water spots, fingerprints, or stubborn debris, use a soft cotton cloth with cleaning fluid to remove it.
- Is the focus out? Move the eyepiece right and left. Stop as you hear a click that confirms the change in the focus.
- Your Leupold rangefinder is likely to stop working when out of battery. Check and replace the batteries.
- Make sure to use high quality CR2 batteries for these gears and keep extra for emergency needs. Also, insert the negative terminal first.
How To Judge Yardage Without a Rangefinder?
You never know when your rangefinder can run out of juice and stop serving its purpose i.e., measure the distance. Similarly, many hunters on tree stands often use best crossbow range finders who wants to judge yardage without rangefinder. Desperate problems like these call for efficient solutions. Learn the following easy skills and save yourself from experiencing trouble when there is no rangefinder:
- Count Your Steps
One easy and probably the simplest way to determine a distance is by counting your steps. You can do this in two ways. Firstly, start walking by placing your heel right in front of the toe of the back foot. Suppose one step equals one foot. So, if you walk 50 steps, the distance would be approx. 50 feet.
Whereas, the second method will use your one full stride as one yard. Now walk the entire distance you wish to measure and count your strides. If the area took your 20 strides then the distance would be 20 yards. To convert this distance into feet, simply multiply the figure by 3.
- Shoot Or Walk At A 3D Target Range
This is a tried and tested practice mostly for hunters. 3D shooting or archery ranges have targets marked with specified distances. There you can practice your shooting skills and determine the accuracy of your shot at a particular distance.
- Try Hitting At Driving Ranges
Hitting at driving ranges is the most beneficial for golfers. What else could be better than judging yardage with your eyes and no equipment? Since driving ranges at golf courses are labeled with distances, you can practice hitting the ball at them. This will give you an idea of how far you can hit the ball or how far the distance is from your spot. Doing so is likely to boost up your golfing skills without a rangefinder.
- Place Distance Markers
This could be another useful method for the hunters especially if they plan on hunting within a specific boundary. For Example as a bow hunter, I often use tree stands or ground blinds but mark my surroundings in a 30-40 yards area for accurate and painless hunting.
You can count the area with your footsteps and place markers (sticks or rocks) to designate the distance. You would only have to do the effort of counting the area by walking once and for all. Once it’s done, you can easily determine the distances from your shooting spot.
The beauty of using a rangefinder is that it doesn’t persist in showing the distance in one unit only. Fortunately, some very simple tricks that take no time to change the measuring unit to your preferred choice. However, these methods vary from brand to brand and model to model, as explained above.
Protecting your rangefinder so it gives accurate readings both in yards and meters. Thus, it also important to protect these sensitive glassing equipment. One way is to use best rangefinder case to protect from shock and fall. The rangefinder will remain calibrated and the units converted will remain accurate.
We hope that the ways discussed above helped you in learning how to change rangefinder from meters to yards so that you never face such an issue. Even if you do, try out the aforementioned tips to judge distance without the rangefinder.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
Calibrating a laser rangefinder could be tricky as it requires skill to operate the Parallax Serial Terminal software. If you have the skills, calibrating the laser rangefinder yourself wouldn’t be gnarly. Here are the things that you will need:
1. Your laser rangefinder module
2. USB adapter
3. Parallax Serial Terminal software on your PC
Once you have everything needed, follow the steps as shown in this video and calibrate your laser rangefinder: LRF: Laser Range Finder Module Calibration.
Figuring out how to change rangefinder from meters to yards in Nexus rangefinder is no hassle. You can perform these steps to do so:
1. Turn on your device.
2. Press and hold the ‘mode’ button for nearly 1 or 2 seconds.
3. You will see both the units i.e., ‘YD’ (yards) and ‘M’ (meters).
4. Choose the one you want and release the button.
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